we only said goodbye with words

05 April 2007

when i regretted, but only sort of

i am feeling lamentatious (is that a word).

let me say that again.

i am feeling slightly regretful that i am doing this one thing with this one girl instead of with another girl, and for many reasons. first off, the girl i'm actually doing the thing with is a dead end. and it would mean so much more with the other girl. for me, anyway. and i'm sure for her.

as they say: "oh well." or do they say that? perhaps it is more like "--." and a sad face. or perhaps "i can change things" but they sit there and do nothing. who are they, anyway? and why are they always saying things? fucking do something for once.

1 comment:

Rex said...

ugh. that's exactly it.

I thought about, and I've decided I really should have just asked you to prom.

It would've been fun that way.