we only said goodbye with words

12 April 2007

when i did math

to prove that sleep > senior project

sleep = 1000 (don't argue. it just does)
senior project = 0!

0! = 1 (why? no one knows)

by using simple arithemetic, we can thus conclude that:

1000 > 1
sleep > senior project.

in fact.

not doing senior project = 0! + 1001 (1000 for sleep, 1 for being a badass rebel)
senior project = 0!

1001 > 1
not doing senior project > senior project.

other conclusions that can be drawn from above proof:

anna c = 5000000000000
anna h = 5000000000001

10000000000001 > 1
anna + anna DOES NOT = senior project

mikey = 4999999999999

mikey > senior project
mikey DOES NOT = senior project.


blogger's note: the above post disproves the following:
PePPeRKiTTy29: it's a good thing you are an english major.

despite the fact that i most likely WILL be an english/creative writing, my math is not entirely without merit!


ps. and now for some math harley agrees with:

beatles > all.. no. the beatles are greater than anything.

beatles > ">"

that's right. the beatles are even greater than the > symbol. you cannot beat that, elvis presley!


She Who Walks In Beauty said...

Silly english major. You should just stop trying.

Not that I don't absolutely love the logic of this post.
Especially the sleep . senior project bits.

Rex said...
