we only said goodbye with words

30 April 2007

when i loved july, july, and it never seemed so strange!

there are flowers growing in the sky.


this is what the rest of my life in california looks like:

april: oh wait. it's may in 35 minutes.
1) hang out with michelle and the 3, respectively, until time turns over on itself (and whoever else slips into my routine).
2) AP Test. oh wait. screw those.
3) have the house to myself for a few days (everyone but me is going out of town: sister/dad to israel for two weeks, mom/brother to maryland for a week)
4) graduate!
5) pretend like it is not the end. because in one way it is not.
1) wile away the first few days of june doing #1 from may and packing and preparing for europe
2) 4th-28th (or so): europe. all over. i'm excited. and not, i'll be honest. but it will be amazing.
3) 12th: i turn 18 in italy! huzzah.
4) 19th: the new white stripes album comes out! hoorah. i'll buy it in europe, perhaps.
5) probably, i will return and sleep for a few days straight.
1) refer to #1 from may and june
3) 13th: ORDER OF THE PHOENIX! the harry potter july madness begins.
4) 21st: the beginning of the end of a huge part of my life. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. oh man. i dread the last page. i may actually cry (something i rarely do).
5) stop sounding so trite already.
1) the usual 1
2) pack for reed
3) --------- i will not say it.

if i kiss you where it's sore, will you feel better?


suddenly the sky is dark and clocks all around my head are melting like love in the summer sun.

lord. here it goes.

1 comment:

She Who Walks In Beauty said...

I don't think I can make it through my life, without going to this concert. So we will see, I will find the money somehow for a plane ticket back for that week.
Yes, I would feel better.