we only said goodbye with words

26 March 2007

when i figure it out and then lost it again and then realized it doesn't matter anyway (or, when anna and i philosophized)

Slight Bread: what will happen, anna?
to Burn Brightly: in life or right now? right now, we will breathe and continue on, every cell living and dying happily. in life, we will we breathe and die, every moment fleeting and passing on, sadly, but happily as well.
Slight Bread: that's the beauty of it all
Slight Bread: is that in the end it doesn't matter.
Slight Bread: what once was will never breathe again and all you did was for naught.
Slight Bread: except momentary pleasure
Slight Bread: cuz if you think about it, even life happiness is a momentary pleasure, for life is but a moment in time
to Burn Brightly: quite well said.
Slight Bread: thanks.

you're pretty.


when anna and i and anna and i philosophized further:

to Burn Brightly: i dunno. i'm all about... momentary pleasure. hopefully it all feeds into something bigger.
Slight Bread: it won't. but the hope keeps us going, anyway.
to Burn Brightly: yeah.
to Burn Brightly: i guess i wouldn't do a lot of things if i didn't hope that
Slight Bread: dirtylibertine.blogspot.com
Slight Bread: true.
Slight Bread: despite what we say or believe, an uncontrollable part of us believes it's all for something bigger.
Slight Bread: which is what keeps us breathing.
to Burn Brightly: i've written about this.
Slight Bread: interesting
to Burn Brightly: what makes me an existentialist but a romantic as well.
Slight Bread: that's true
to Burn Brightly: i know there is no purpose to things... but that i hope that there was.
Slight Bread: there's nthing wrong with that
Slight Bread: cuz on one hand, you might as well seek self fulfillment while you can
to Burn Brightly: yeah. but that never works out.
to Burn Brightly: temporary pleasure leads to longing of a permanent ecstasy
Slight Bread: which doesn't exist
to Burn Brightly: no. though part of me knows its arrogant to say that, because i still haven't experienced a lot of things
Slight Bread: but the realization that perm. x doesn't exist doesn't come from living a life of pleasure seeking only to find you are left unfulfilled at death
Slight Bread: it's about accepting the inevitability of an untimely death.
Slight Bread: all death is untimely, for we all die without ever fulling satisfying ourselves.
to Burn Brightly: yes. we always die too soon, or too late.
to Burn Brightly: the latter just as bitter as the former.
Slight Bread: quite so.
to Burn Brightly: i don't know, i'm compelled to believe that we're constantly trying to find a balance between the two. living for the ideal, but delving into the real.
Slight Bread: wow
Slight Bread: that's exactly what i was just telling harley
Slight Bread: Slight Bread: life is a balance between the two, i think.
Slight Bread: to know when you let be and when to pursue things
PePPeRKiTTy29: hmm
PePPeRKiTTy29: a mix of apathy and drive (for a lack of a better word)
to Burn Brightly: yes.
to Burn Brightly: indulging in one leaves you aching for the other.
Slight Bread: but when you're in llove it all seems to be for a reason. life seems to exist on purpose
Slight Bread: or if you're happy. or anything
Slight Bread: but otherwise...
Slight Bread: everything seems to be a wicked accident of the universe


PePPeRKiTTy29: your view seems very hedonist
PePPeRKiTTy29: i like "life is but a moment in time"
Slight Bread: thanks
Slight Bread: it's quite a way to look at things
PePPeRKiTTy29: thats what i use as my rationalization these days quite often
PePPeRKiTTy29: that i should enjoy things now
Slight Bread: exactly
Slight Bread: i mean there's two opposite ways
Slight Bread: you can say it's all for naught so why bother
Slight Bread: or you can say that you might as well seek self fulfillment while you can
PePPeRKiTTy29: exactly
Slight Bread: life is a balance between the two, i think.
Slight Bread: to know when you let be and when to pursue things
PePPeRKiTTy29: hmm
PePPeRKiTTy29: a mix of apathy and drive (for a lack of a better word)
Slight Bread: exactly.
Slight Bread: life is too complicated to ever settle upon one way of viewing things, i think.
Slight Bread: because think about it:
Slight Bread: when you're in love, everything feels purposeful, reasonable, as if everything has meaning
Slight Bread: or in any state of happiness
Slight Bread: but out of such...there seems to be no point.
PePPeRKiTTy29: hmm
PePPeRKiTTy29: out of happiness you mean?
PePPeRKiTTy29: or out of love?
Slight Bread: either
PePPeRKiTTy29: i think i would agree
PePPeRKiTTy29: it would be foolish to settle on one way
Slight Bread: perhaps it is because love creates a universe on its own
Slight Bread: quite so, quite so.
Slight Bread: and in that universe the rules are made by those who live in it. as opposed to our universe
PePPeRKiTTy29: haha i like that.


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