we only said goodbye with words

02 December 2007

when i had a dream, crispy crispy benjamin franklin

i had this dream last night and you were in it and i don't remember much of it, only segments, but i remember there being a dance or lip-sync competition and i was really jealous of the guy who won so i kept saying he was bad and then you and i were somewhere with someone and i was really upset and i just wanted to hug you and have you assure me i had no reason to be jealous about this guy, even though he entered the contest on a fluke and beat out all the competition. i don't know, there was something about him and i think i felt threatened by him or something or other. and Greek was in the dream for some reason. whether you were speaking or it what, i can't remember. but i know it was there. and then you got in my car with my family and we all went to nordstroms but you stayed in the car and i went in with my dad and i was looking at coats and hats and i wanted to try the hats on and i felt silly because i hadn't asked you to come inside with me; i wanted you to see me trying them, even though i know you would have just laughed at me relentlessly (which is okay because i know you love me).

and then i woke up.

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