we only said goodbye with words

12 July 2007

when i was simple, among other things

i am:

- happy.
- reading 'the sirens of titan', with complete intention of finishing it in the next hour (i have 70 pages left)
- trying to get this story started. this is all i have:

Don't say goodnight. Please.
In the infinity of your hold, I beg of you to not let my hands slip from yours, to not allow your body to disintegrate into a million little sand crystals and fall between my fingers like water through a napkin.
I am soaked through to the bone, trying to rid you from me, but I am ridiculously unsuccessful. The way in which you have been woven into my most intimate systems is only comparable to the way the stars are laced into the night sky.
Here. Here, we watch the sunset together, the rolling arcs of the surrounding hills reminding us of how close to the sky we are. Oh, if only I were speaking in metaphors.
As stars begin to dot the sky, I feel you slowly melting back into the night from whence you came. Wither must I wander to maintain your heavy presence, your beating heart, your touch, gentle like a seductive god?
"Stay," you say. I remain motionless.
"Don't say - "
"Please." But you are already gone.


From the sea you came, clothed in nothing but water-lilies and a thin, easily tangled garden of black hair, the night's eyes reflecting effortlessly in its glean.


i don't know where to go with that.

the decemberists concert was amazing. absolutely amazing.

as are most things.

and lastly, i am:

- not going anywhere.

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